Moby Dick

Moby Dick

Price: $19.99
Author: Herman Melville
Available: 1 On Order: 0

“…for there is no folly of the beast of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men.”--Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

“Call me Ishmael” is the iconic opening line of Herman Melville’s classic American novel, Moby-Dick. Ishmael is a seaman aboard the whaling vessel, Pequod, under the vengeful captain, Ahab. Maniacally seeking retribution from the great white sperm whale called Moby-Dick--the whale responsible for the captain’s missing leg--Ahab leads the crew on a quest to kill the infamous beast. A fictional work based on actual events, Moby-Dick is a classic that has been enjoyed for generations, and it’s now available as part of the Word Cloud Classic series, making it a stylish and affordable addition to any library.

592 pages

Moby Dick

Moby Dick

Price: $13.00
Author: Melville
Available: 0 On Order: 0
Moby Dick

Moby Dick

Price: $18.00
Author: Meville
Available: 3 On Order: 0


Over a century and a half after its publication, Moby-Dick still stands as an indisputable literary classic. It is the story of an eerily compelling madman pursuing an unholy war against a creature as vast and dangerous and unknowable as the sea itself. But more than just a novel of adventure, more than an encyclopedia of whaling lore and legend, Moby-Dick is a haunting, mesmerizing, and important social commentary populated with several of the most unforgettable and enduring characters in literature