Adoption Best Practices: 

  • Enter the ISBN on the publisher website to make sure the title is still in print and check for new editions. 

  • Custom publications are not cost efficient and can result in thousands of dollars that you department would be responsible for if we cannot re-use them. 

  • Bundled, looseleaf or textbooks with elecronic codes can not be sold bck to students as a used textbook. 

  • If you ask students to purchase textbooks outside TWU Campus store, Sponsored Students will be unable to purchase them.


 Online Course Adoptions (OCA) App: 

The OCA app utilizes Jenzabar data to pre-populate courses, professors and estimated enrolments. Log in here, (capital O is necessary) using your TWU credentials. Click on this tutorial if you are new or need a refresher on how to use the OCA. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are having trouble or have questions not answered here. 

Please send your textbook adoptions as quickly as possible to minimise delays and the resulting problems for your students. The lead time for obtaining books may be one or several months, depending on supplier location and availability of the title. Average delivery time is four weeks within Canada and longer from the USA and abroad. We do our best to assist with late orders but there is risk of books not being available or unable to ship in time. Early adoptions allow more time to source cheaper, more student-friendly used texts, keep our freight and courier costs down and provide a buffer to compensate for unforeseen circumstances, such as edition changes or changes to distribution rights for a title. 


Air shipments of late orders (six weeks before classes start or later) can be arranged only if your department agrees to cover the shipping costs.      


Book prices have consistently risen over the past several years and as a result, TWU Campus store has experienced buying resistance for many standard textbooks. Plese consider prices before assigning books and bear in mind that the U.S. exchange surcharge and GST must be added. 


The cost of procuring books is reduced when textbooks are used for more than one year. Also, students can resell books to recuperate some of the cost and allow others the opportunity to buy a used copy at a reduced price. Our buyback list is based on your textbook adoptions and buyback happens during finals in April so the earlier you adopt, the more likely we can buy their books.