Introducing Theological Method

Introducing Theological Method

Price: $32.75
Author: Mary M. Veeneman
Available: 1 On Order: 0

"I wish I'd had this book when I first started graduate school in theology. Veeneman picks out a large number of major theological movements and calmly rehearses their methodological commitments. She catalogs their sources, their orienting questions, and their starting points, sometimes comparing them to each other but rarely declaring her own judgments. The result is almost a cheat sheet, letting students know in advance what to look for as they go on to read these authors."
--Fred Sanders, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University

"Veeneman offers us a wide-ranging and sympathetic study of theologians from a variety of traditions and schools of thought, allowing the reader to make independent judgments. This is an ideal introduction for students coming from many different perspectives. Nobody can relate equally well to every modern theologian, but this book will help us evaluate the approaches of those with whom we disagree as well as deepen our understanding of our own mentors. Highly commended!"
--Gerald Bray, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University

224 pages