Cafe Theology: Exploring Love, The Universe, And Everything

Cafe Theology: Exploring Love, The Universe, And Everything

Price: $21.00
Author: Lloyd, Michael
Available: 1 On Order: 0

In Cafe Theology, Michael invites us to grab a cappuccino and travel with him on a mind-stretching journey form Creation to New Creation, offering a rich and human view of life and Life-Giver. This is a unique journey because Michael has an inimitable gift for mixing insightful theology with unflinching honesty and a fantastic sense of humour, often bordering on a darkish side of grey. Whether we've been on the Christian journey our whole life, we're just starting out, or we haven't even bought a ticket, this distinctive book is applicable to our ordinary lives, longings, and in Michael's words, our 'feeble and frustrated fumbling after an understanding of who we are and what we are for'. This new edition includes a full study guide for each chapter.