Textual Commentary On The Greek New Testament

Textual Commentary On The Greek New Testament

Price: $70.00
Author: Metzger
Edition: 3
Edition: 3
Available: 1 On Order: 0

This companion to the Greek New Testament discusses textual variations based on the critical apparatus. It contains a thorough explanation of each textual decision that appears in UBS4.


What is the difference between the Omanson and Metzger?

We have included the following from each text to help you compare and contrast the two approaches. (Click on “Sample Chapter” at the bottom of this Web site page)

Omanson, A Textual Guide to the Greek New Testament
ISBN 978-1-59856-202-6
Preface (pgs. 7-9)
1 Cor. 4:17 (pgs. 332-333)
1 Cor. 7:34 (pgs. 339-340)

Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament (UBS4)
ISBN 978-1-59856-164-7
Prefaces (pgs. v-ix)
1 Cor. 4:17 (pg. 484)
1 Cor. 7:34 (pg. 490)

696 pages