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Term: 2024SU
Select Courses
ANTH 101 IS - Introduction Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 101 X2 - Introduction Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 302 A6 - Cross-Cultural Communication
ANTH 302 TW - Cross-Cultural Communication
ANTH 395 A6 - Indigenous Peoples In Canada
ANTH 395 TW - Indigenous Peoples In Canada
ART 181 B3 - Visual Foundations I
ART 182 A3 - Visual Foundations II
ART 250 A3 - Fundamentals In Digital Design
AUSB 001 A - Au Sable Course 1
BIB 520 Q - Ot Foundations (Korean)
BIB 691 A - Septuagint & The Law
BIOL 233 A3 - Microbiology For Nurses
BIOL 241 A3 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 241 DS - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 242 B3 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 314 DS - Adv Biology Of Non-Vascular Plants
BIOL 318 TR - Tropical Botany
BIOL 364 TR - Coral Reef Ecology
BIOL 400 DS - Riparian Knotweed Biology
BIOT 300 A - Biotechnology Practica III
BIOT 400 A - Biotechnology Practica IV
BNT 650 M - Exposition Of Acts (Mandarin)
BOT 621 M - Exposition Of Genesis (Mandarin)
BUSI 245 TR - Fdntns Of Business Law In Canada
BUSI 301 TR - Managerial Economics
BUSI 311 TR - Global Issues In Business
BUSI 346 TR - Law For The Business Manager
BUSI 411 TR - Business In The Global Market
BUSI 411 TS - Business In The Global Market
BUSI 480 TR - Leadership In The Global Context
BUSI 492 TR - Integrative Group Project: Finance
BUSI 493 DS - Integrated Group Project: Hrm
BUSI 494 TR - Integrated Grp Proj: In'tl Business
BUSI 495 TR - Integrated Group Proj: Leadership
BUSI 496 DS - Integrated Group Proj: Marketing
CHIN 312 C6 - The Analects Of Confucius II
CHIN 321 A6 - Classical Chinese Literature I
CHIN 322 F6 - Classical Chinese Literature II
CHIN 411 IN - Modern Chinese Texts I
CHM 500 Q - The Learning Church (Korean)
CHP 691 A - Spiritual Care Of The Elderly
CHP 692 A - Spiritual Care & Creation Concern
CHP 692 DS - Spiritual Care And Creation Concern
CLD 533 DQ - Mentoring & Team Build. (Korean)
CLD 591 M - Faith & Mrktplace Lead. (Mandarin)
CMFT 525 A - Foundational Skills In Counselling
CMFT 591 DS - Foundations In Practicum
CMFT 630 DS - Mft: Indigenous Ways Of Knowing
CMFT 671 DS - Families In Crisis: Addictions & Dv
CMFT 678 DS - Emotionally Focused Couples Ther.
CMFT 682 - Family Therapy: Children & Teens
CMFT 682 A - Family Therapy: Children & Teens
CMFT 682 DS - Family Therapy: Separation Complex
CMFT 691 A - External Clinical Training I
CMFT 692 A - External Clinical Training II
CMFT 693 A - External Clinical Training III
CMFT 694 A - External Clinical Training IV
CMFT 699 A - Trauma-Informed Therapy
CMPT 140 B6 - Intro Computing Science & Program I
CMPT 166 B6 - Intr Computing Science & Program II
CMPT 166 F6 - Intr Computing Science & Program II
COOP 110 A - Work Term 1
COOP 210 A - Work Term 2
COOP 310 A - Work Term 3
COOP 410 A - Work Term 4
COOP 420 A - Work Term 5
CPSY 000 A - Leave Of Absence
CPSY 490 A - Basic Counselling Skills
CPSY 504 A - Evaluating Statistics & Research
CPSY 515 A - Career Counselling
CPSY 518 A - Research Seminar
CPSY 525 A - Foundations Of Counselling Psyc III
CPSY 595 A - Practicum Extension
CPSY 595 B - Practicum Extension
CPSY 603 A - Thesis I
CPSY 604 A - Thesis II
CPSY 605 A - Thesis Continuation
CPSY 615 A - Child And Youth Counselling
CPSY 634 A - Trauma & Sexual Abuse Counselling
CPSY 634 WD - Trauma & Sexual Abuse Counselling
CPSY 640 A - Ma Non-Thesis Comprehensive Exam
CPSY 640 NC - Ma Non-Thesis Comprehensive Exam
CPSY 655 A - Neuroscience Of Trauma
CPSY 655 B - Intro To Equine/Nature Counselling
CPSY 655 C - Counselling Considerations
CPSY 655 D - Dbt: Helping Clients In Crisis
CPSY 691 A - Supervised Internship I
CPSY 691 B - Supervised Internship I
CPSY 691 C - Supervised Internship I
CPSY 691 D - Supervised Internship I
CPSY 691 E - Supervised Internship I
CPSY 692 A - Supervised Internship II
CPSY 692 B - Supervised Internship II
CPSY 692 C - Supervised Internship II
CPSY 692 D - Supervised Internship II
CPSY 692 E - Supervised Internship II
CPSY 695 A - Internship Continuation
DMN 964 A - Journey II
DMN 976 DS - Revitalizing Congregations
ECON 301 TR - Managerial Economics
ECON 306 TR - History Of Economic Thought
ECON 330 TR - Theory And Practice Of Development
ECON 480 TR - Leadership In The Global Context
EDUC 350 A6 - Teaching Physical Education
EDUC 504 A - Evaluating Statistics And Research
EDUC 513 A - Current Issues & The Except'l Child
EDUC 514 A - Assessing Students W/Lrng Needs
EDUC 514 DS - Assessing Students W/Lrng Needs
EDUC 599 A - Ethical Issues In Diversity
EDUC 601 A - Research Design
EDUC 601 DS - Research Design
EDUC 603 A - Comprehensive Exam
EDUC 696 A - Program Continuation
ENGL 101 IN - Introduction To Writing
ENGL 102 X2 - Introduction To World Literature
ENGL 103 A3 - Introduction To Fiction
ENGL 103 F3 - Introduction To Fiction
ENGL 103 TW - Introduction To Fiction
ENGL 104 C3 - Introduction To Poetry And Drama
ENGL 551 DS - Shakespeare I
ENGL 593 DS - Fantasy Literature
ENGL 610 A - Bibliography
ENGL 611 A - Thesis
ENGL 612 A - Thesis
ENGL 613 A - Major Essay
FNDN 101 X1 - The Liberal Arts Journey
FNDN 102 A3 - Human Flourishing
FNDN 102 X1 - Human Flourishing
FNDN 201 A6 - Ideas That Inspire
FNDN 201 TR - Ideas That Inspire
FNDN 201 TS - Ideas That Inspire
FREN 101 C3 - Introduction To French
FREN 322 A6 - Litterature Du Moyen Age Au Xixe S
GAME 160 DS - Intro To Video Game Industry
GENV 121 F3 - Intro To Earth Systems Science
GENV 131 B6 - Global Environmental Issues
GENV 131 IS - Global Environmental Issues
GENV 230 IS - Geography Of Canada
GENV 374 A - Env. Studies Field Placement
GENV 484 DS - Conservation Biology
HIS 541 A - History Of Christianity II
HIST 107 TR - The Ancient & Medieval World
HIST 107 X2 - The Ancient & Medieval World
HIST 135 IS - Making Canada's History
HIST 304 TR - Late Medieval Europe
HIST 306 TR - History Of Economic Thought
HIST 315 A - History Practicum
HIST 390 TR - Special Topics In History
HIST 435 DS - Canadians At Home, Work, And Play
HIST 497 A - Honours Thesis
HIST 498 A - Honours Thesis
HIST 610 A - Research Design/Bibliography
HIST 611 A - Thesis
HIST 612 A - Thesis
HIST 613 A - Major Essay
HKIN 102 A3 - Run For Fun
HKIN 201 A3 - Strength And Conditioning
HKIN 202 A3 - Total Fitness For Women
HKIN 216 F2 - Journey: A TWU Outdoor Experience
HKIN 252 A - Athletic Therapy Field Placement
HKIN 260 A3 - Physical Growth And Development
HKIN 262 TS - Volleyball Team
HKIN 298 DS - Introduction To Biomechanics
HKIN 336 F1 - Outdoor Pursuits
HKIN 342 A3 - Dance Explorations
HKIN 350 A6 - Teaching Physical Education
HKIN 355 A - Teaching Field Placement
HKIN 355 B - Teaching Field Placement
HKIN 450 A - Physical Therapy Field Placement
HKIN 452 A - Strength Coach Field Placement
HKIN 454 A - Personal Training Field Placement
HKIN 455 A - Teaching Field Placement
HKIN 455 B - Teaching Field Placement
HKIN 456 A - Research Assistant Field Placement
HKIN 456 B - Research Assistant Field Placement
HKIN 457 A - Coaching Field Placement
HKIN 457 B - Coaching Field Placement
HKIN 458 A - Approved Field Placement
HKIN 458 B - Approved Field Placement
HKIN 459 A - Sport Management Field Placement I
HKIN 460 A - Sport Management Field Placement II
HKIN 472 A - Athletic Therapy Field Placement
HUMA 390 TR - Special Topics In The Humanities
IDIS 410 TR - Influencing The Changing Workplace
INT 503 Q - Intrnshp: Pastor & Comm. (Korean)
JAPA 101 B3 - Introduction To Japanese
LDRS 101 X1 - Learning With Technology
LDRS 220 GX - Leading With Numbers
LDRS 220 IS - Leading With Numbers
LDRS 220 TW - Leading With Numbers
LDRS 220 X2 - Leading With Numbers
LDRS 300 CH - Leadership As Service
LDRS 300 IN - Leadership As Service
LDRS 301 A - Lifelong Learning In Leadership
LDRS 301 CH - Lifelong Learning In Leadership
LDRS 301 IN - Lifelong Learning In Leadership
LDRS 302 CH - Historical Concepts & Theories
LDRS 302 IN - Historical Concepts & Theories
LDRS 303 IN - Contemporary Leadership Approaches
LDRS 310 A - The Learning Organization
LDRS 310 IN - The Learning Organization
LDRS 320 IN - Ethical Decision Making
LDRS 320 N2 - Ethical Decision Making
LDRS 400 A - Managing Conflict
LDRS 400 IN - Managing Conflict
LDRS 410 IF - Persuasion And Positive Influence
LDRS 410 IN - Persuasion And Positive Influence
LDRS 410 N2 - Persuasion And Positive Influence
LDRS 410 N3 - Persuasion And Positive Influence
LDRS 420 IN - Leading Change
LDRS 432 CH - Building Leaders II
LDRS 432 IN - Building Leaders II
LDRS 433 CH - Building Leaders III
LDRS 440 A - Developing Admin Competence
LDRS 440 IN - Developing Admin Competence
LDRS 440 N2 - Developing Admin Competence
LDRS 490 A - Leading In The World
LDRS 490 IN - Leading In The World
LDRS 490 N2 - Leading In The World
LDRS 500 A - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 B - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 C - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 CH - Ldrshp Foundations (Mandarin)
LDRS 500 D - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 E - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 RA - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 RB - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 RC - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 RD - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 500 RE - Leadership Foundations
LDRS 501 A - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 501 B - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 501 C - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 501 CH - Strategic Leadership (Mandarin)
LDRS 501 D - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 501 E - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 501 F - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 501 RA - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 501 RB - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 501 RC - Strategic Leadership
LDRS 502 A - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 B - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 C - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 C2 - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 CH - Team Ldrs & Conflict Res (Mandarin)
LDRS 502 D - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 E - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 RA - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 RB - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 RC - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 RD - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 502 RE - Team Ldrship & Conflict Resolution
LDRS 503 A - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 B - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 C - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 CH - Results Based Ldrshp (Mandarin)
LDRS 503 D - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 E - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 F - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 G - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 H - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 J - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 RA - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 RB - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 RC - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 RD - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 RE - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 503 RF - Results Based Leadership
LDRS 504 A - Leadership, Values & Ethics
LDRS 504 B - Leadership, Values & Ethics
LDRS 504 C - Leadership, Values & Ethics
LDRS 504 CH - Ldrshp, Values & Ethics (Mandarin)
LDRS 504 D - Leadership, Values & Ethics
LDRS 504 RA - Leadership, Values & Ethics
LDRS 504 RB - Leadership, Values & Ethics
LDRS 504 RC - Leadership, Values & Ethics
LDRS 591 A - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 591 B - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 591 C - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 591 CH - Scholarly Inquiry (Mandarin)
LDRS 591 D - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 591 E - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 591 RA - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 591 RB - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 591 RC - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 591 RD - Scholarly Inquiry
LDRS 611 A - Organizational Behaviour
LDRS 611 C1 - Organizational Behaviour (Mandarin)
LDRS 611 CH - Organizational Behaviour
LDRS 611 RA - Organizational Behaviour
LDRS 611 RB - Organizational Behaviour
LDRS 612 CH - Leading Change & Innov (Mandarin)
LDRS 614 CH - Mission, Marketing & Quality
LDRS 614 RA - Mission, Marketing & Quality
LDRS 614 RB - Mission, Marketing & Quality
LDRS 617 C1 - Employee Engag & Steward (Mandarin)
LDRS 617 C2 - Employee Engagement & Stewardship
LDRS 617 CH - Employee Engagement & Stewardship
LDRS 620 A - Worldview Fdn Of Educ Leadershp
LDRS 620 B - Worldview Fdn Of Educ Leadershp
LDRS 620 DS - Worldview Fdn Of Educ Leadershp
LDRS 620 RA - Worldview Fdn Of Educ Leadershp
LDRS 623 A - Developing Educational Programs
LDRS 623 B - Developing Educational Programs
LDRS 623 RA - Developing Educational Programs
LDRS 632 A - Leadership & Change
LDRS 632 RA - Leadership & Change
LDRS 634 RA - Accountability & Performance
LDRS 647 DS - Sustainability Of Leadership
LDRS 684 A - Leadership Integration Thesis I
LDRS 695 NC - Ma Lead Project Continuation Status
LDRS 697 A - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 697 B - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 697 C - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 697 CH - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 697 D - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 697 DS - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 697 RA - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 697 RB - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 697 RC - Leadership Integration Project I
LDRS 698 A - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 B - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 C - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 CH - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 D - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 DS - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 RA - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 RB - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 RC - Leadership Integration Project II
LDRS 698 RD - Leadership Integration Project II
LIN 540 A - Internship
LIN 560 G9 - Morphosyntax II
LIN 566 G9 - Prin Of Sociolinguistic Survey
LIN 575 G9 - Scripture Use
LIN 583 G9 - Lang Program Design & Mgmt
LIN 584 G9 - Principles Of Literacy
LIN 585 G9 - Principles Of Translation
LIN 691 G9 - Discourse Analysis
LIN 696 A - Comprehensive Exam
LIN 831 A - Thesis I
LIN 832 A - Thesis II
LIN 834 A - Thesis Continuation Status
LING 099 A - Summer: Required Tasks And Info
LING 210 G9 - Language And Society
LING 230 G8 - Articulatory Phonetics
LING 302 A6 - Cross Cultural Communications
LING 330 G8 - Phonological Analysis
LING 360 G9 - Morphosyntax I
LING 399 A - Internship In Field Linguistics
LING 460 G9 - Morphosyntax II
LING 466 G9 - Princip. Of Sociolinguistic Survey
LING 475 G9 - Scripture Engagement
LING 483 G9 - Lang Program Design & Mgmt
LING 484 G9 - Principles Of Literacy
LING 485 G9 - Principles Of Translation
LING 491 G9 - Discourse Analysis
LING 511 B - Tesol Methodology
LING 513 B - Sociolinguistics
LING 515 B - Classroom Observations
LING 517 B - Evaluation & Measurement In Tesol
LING 518 B - Curriculum & Program Design
LING 560 G9 - Morphosyntax II
LING 566 G9 - Prin Of Sociolinguistics Survey
LING 583 G9 - Lang Program Design & Mgmt
LING 584 G9 - Principles Of Literacy
LING 585 G9 - Principles Of Translation
LING 612 B - Research Methods In Applied Ling
LING 624 B - Leadership In Tesol
LING 640 A - Internship
LING 640 B - Internship
LING 642 B - E-Portfolio
LING 646 A - Mtes Program Continuation
LING 647 B - Thesis I For Tesol
LING 691 G9 - Discourse Analysis
LING 695 G9 - Topics In Linguistics
LING 696 A - Comprehensive Exam
LING 697 A - Linguistics Thesis I
LING 698 A - Linguistics Thesis II
LING 699 A - Mlin Thesis Continuation
MAIH 600 A - Maih Thesis Extension
MAIH 695 A - Maih Program Continuation Status
MATH 124 DS - Calculus II
MATH 190 A4 - Mathematics For Elementary Teachers
MATH 190 F4 - Mathematics For Elementary Teachers
MATH 190 IS - Mathematics For Elementary Teachers
MATH 310 DS - Mathematical Statistics
MBA 501 A - Marketing Management
MBA 501 B - Marketing Management
MBA 501 B1 - Marketing Management
MBA 501 C - Marketing Management
MBA 501 D - Marketing Management
MBA 501 GW - Marketing Management
MBA 501 S1 - Marketing Management
MBA 501 S2 - Marketing Management
MBA 521 A - Managerial Accounting
MBA 521 B - Managerial Accounting
MBA 521 B1 - Managerial Accounting
MBA 521 C - Managerial Accounting
MBA 521 D - Managerial Accounting
MBA 521 R1 - Managerial Accounting
MBA 521 S1 - Managerial Accounting
MBA 525 A - Managerial Economics
MBA 525 D - Managerial Economics
MBA 542 A - Managerial Finance
MBA 542 B - Managerial Finance
MBA 542 B1 - Managerial Finance
MBA 542 C - Managerial Finance
MBA 542 D - Managerial Finance
MBA 542 GW - Managerial Finance
MBA 542 R1 - Managerial Finance
MBA 542 S2 - Managerial Finance
MBA 542 TR - Managerial Finance
MBA 552 A - Human Resource Management
MBA 552 B - Human Resource Management
MBA 552 B1 - Human Resource Management
MBA 552 C - Human Resource Management
MBA 552 GW - Human Resource Management
MBA 552 R1 - Human Resource Management
MBA 552 S1 - Human Resource Management
MBA 552 S2 - Human Resource Management
MBA 552 TR - Human Resource Management
MBA 570 B - Info & Knowledge Mgmt Systems
MBA 570 C - Info & Knowledge Mgmt Systems
MBA 570 R1 - Info & Knowledge Mgmt Systems
MBA 570 S1 - Info & Knowledge Mgmt Systems
MBA 571 B - Operations Management
MBA 571 C - Operations Management
MBA 571 D - Operations Management
MBA 571 GW - Operations Management
MBA 571 R1 - Operations Management
MBA 571 S2 - Operations Management
MBA 593 B - Christian Leadership & Ethics
MBA 593 C - Christian Leadership & Ethics
MBA 593 D - Christian Leadership & Ethics
MBA 593 R1 - Christian Leadership & Ethics
MBA 593 TR - Christian Leadership & Ethics
MBA 593 TS - Christian Leadership & Ethics
MBA 660 DS - Business Internship
MBA 661 C - Global Economic Competitiveness
MBA 661 GW - Global Economic Competitiveness
MBA 661 R1 - Global Economic Competitiveness
MBA 661 S2 - Global Economic Competitiveness
MBA 661 TR - Global Economic Competitiveness
MBA 662 C - Managing A Global Organization
MBA 662 D - Managing A Global Organization
MBA 662 GT - Managing A Global Organization
MBA 662 GW - Managing A Global Organization
MBA 662 R1 - Managing A Global Organization
MBA 662 S2 - Managing A Global Organization
MBA 662 TR - Managing A Global Organization
MBA 662 TS - Managing A Global Organization
MBA 663 B - Canadian & Int'l Business Law
MBA 663 C - Canadian & Int'l Business Law
MBA 663 D - Canadian & Int'l Business Law
MBA 663 GW - Canadian & Int'l Business Law
MBA 663 S1 - Canadian & Int'l Business Law
MBA 663 S2 - Canadian & Int'l Business Law
MBA 664 B - International Finance & Accounting
MBA 664 C - International Finance & Accounting
MBA 664 D - International Finance & Accounting
MBA 664 R1 - International Finance & Accounting
MBA 665 TR - Comparative International Managem't
MBA 665 TS - Comparative International Managem't
MBA 680 C - Intn'l Finance & Global Capital
MBA 680 D - Intn'l Finance & Global Capital
MBA 684 C - Business Strategy
MBA 684 D - Business Strategy
MBA 684 R1 - Business Strategy
MBA 695 A - Mba Program Continuation
MCOM 221 A6 - Digital Filmmaking I
MCOM 221 X2 - Digital Filmmaking I
MCOM 231 A3 - Fundamentals Of Digital Design
MCOM 281 X1 - Public Speaking
MCOM 372 A6 - Cross-Cultural Communication
MCOM 372 IS - Cross-Cultural Communication
MCOM 391 A - Communication Field Placement
MCOM 392 A - Communication Field Placement
MCOM 393 A - Communication Field Placement
MCOM 461 TR - On The Road: Travel Journalism
MCOM 472 IS - Leadership In Multicultural Context
MCS 810 DS - Macs Graduating Project
MUSA 120 A6 - Private Keyboard Lesson
MUSA 121 A6 - Private Keyboard Lesson
MUSA 220 A6 - Private Keyboard Lesson
MUSA 221 A6 - Private Keyboard Lesson
MUSA 320 A6 - Private Keyboard Lesson
MUSA 321 A6 - Private Keyboard Lesson
MUSA 420 A6 - Private Keyboard Lesson
MUSA 421 A6 - Private Keyboard Lesson
MUSI 330 DS - Music History To 1600
MUSI 336 DS - Vocal Literature
NURS 001 A - Phd Nursing Studies
NURS 510 A - Foundations Of Nursing Knowledge
NURS 520 A - Knowledge Synthesis
NURS 550 A - Health Care Policy
NURS 600 A - Thesis Or Project Extension
NURS 695 A - Msn Thesis Continuation Status
NURS 700 A - Doctoral Seminars
NURS 710 A - Advanced Nursing Philosophy
NURS 833 A - Internship
NURS 900 A - Dissertation Proposal
PHIL 100 X1 - Philosophy For Life
PHIL 105 A3 - Introduction To Philosophy
PHIL 210 B3 - Contemporary Ethical Issues
PHIL 210 X1 - Contemporary Ethical Issues
PHIL 607 DS - Philosophy Of The Human Person
PHIL 610 A - Research Design
PHIL 611 A - Thesis
PHIL 612 A - Thesis
PHIL 613 A - Major Essay
PMPP 201 X2 - Intro To Project Management
POLS 101 TR - Introduction To Political Thinking
POLS 250 TR - Classical Political Philosophy
POLS 361 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 362 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 363 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 364 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 365 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 366 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 367 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 368 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 369 A - Political Science Practicum
POLS 493 TR - Law Public Policy & Cultural Change
POLS 495 A - Honours Thesis I
POLS 496 A - Honours Thesis II
PREP 100 A - Career Preparation
PSYC 105 IS - Introduction To Psychology
PSYC 105 X2 - Introduction To Psychology
PSYC 106 X1 - Introduction To Psychology
PSYC 201 A6 - Research Methods In Psychology I
PSYC 207 C6 - Data Analysis
PSYC 207 IS - Data Analysis
PSYC 226 A6 - Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 301 TR - Theories Of Personality
PSYC 326 A6 - Cognitive Processes
PSYC 390 IS - Capstone
PSYC 390 TR - Special Topics In Psychology
PSYC 408 TR - History And Systems Of Psychology
PTH 516 A - Spirit. Formation For Practitioners
PTH 603 Q - Integrative Preaching (Korean)
RELS 110 TR - Introduction To Christianity
RELS 111 A3 - Old Testament: God, Humanity, World
RELS 111 F3 - Old Testament: God, Humanity, World
RELS 112 B3 - New Testament: God, Humanity, World
RELS 112 C3 - New Testament: God, Humanity, World
RELS 112 IN - New Testament: God, Humanity, World
RELS 271 A2 - Western World Religions
RELS 644 DS - John
SKLS 001 GD - Study Skills
SKLS 003 GD - Academic Coaching
SKLS 500 G - Graduate Scholarly Communication
SKLS 500 LL - Graduate Scholarly Communication
SKLS 500 LR - Graduate Scholarly Communication
SKLS 501 A - Graduate Writing Coaching
SKLS 501 B - Graduate Writing Coaching
SKLS 501 C - Graduate Writing Coaching
SKLS 501 D - Graduate Writing Coaching
SOCI 101 A6 - Introduction To Sociology
SOCI 101 X1 - Introduction To Sociology
SOCI 336 DS - Contemporary Theory
SOCI 395 A6 - Indigenous Peoples In Canada
SOCI 411 A - Practicum
SOCI 420 A - Practicum
SOCI 450 DS - Seminar In Sociology
SPAN 101 A3 - Introduction To Spanish
TENC 080 A - Intro To The Bc K-12 School System
TEST 001 A - This Is A Test Course
THS 631 A - Theology Of Suffering
THS 672 DS - Theology III
THS 691 DQ - Biblical Theol. Of Creation (Kor.)
THS 691 M - Barth For Evangelicals (Mandarin)
THS 692 M - Spiritual Theology (Mandarin)
TLAC 011 A - Tlc Academic Content I
TLAC 021 A - Tlc Academic Content II
TLAC 021 B - Tlc Academic Content II
TLPG 011 A - Tlc Pre-Graduate Level I
TLPG 021 A - Tlc Pre-Graduate Level II
TLPG 021 B - Tlc Pre-Graduate Level II
TLPS 011 A - Tlc Progressive Skills Level 1
TLPS 011 B - Tlc Progressive Skills Level 1
TLPS 011 C - Tlc Progressive Skills Level 1
TLPS 021 A - Tlc Progressive Skills Level II
TRVL 001 - Travel Study: Biol/Hawaii
TRVL 004 - Travel Study: England & Scotland
TRVL 009 - Travel Study: France
TRVL 011 - Travel Study:European Psychologists
TRVL 022 - Travel Study: Busi/Ottawa
TRVL 027 - Travel Study: Thailand
TRVL 033 - Travel Study: Italy
UNIV 110 IS - Scholarly Inquiry & Resrch Methods
WRTG 100 TW - Writing In The University Context
WRTG 101 GX - Writing And Culture
WRTG 101 IN - Writing And Culture
WRTG 101 X1 - Writing And Culture