Paladin Part 1

Paladin Part 1

Price: $31.00
Author: Sutcliffe, Rick
Available: 0 On Order: 0

The Timestream is at least six known versions of Planet Earth arranged in hexagonal fashion. Each has different histories and societies, some different geologies, but all share the same physical laws and chronology. At critical historical points on one of the planets, crucial decisions result in two Earths with the same prior history but differing subsequent ones. Major events on neighbouring planets in the Timestream affect each other strongly...
Paladin is the conclusion of The Interregnum Series (Book 7), continuing its account of Hibernia's royalty from 1473 to date. After being discharged, half-burned and lacking memories, Lilian Morgan emerges at the Dublin City Dump. She knows only that she must keep the repentant Cain (Samadeya) on task with his millennia-old assignment of thwarting the enemy Pelik--alternate and unrepentant continuation of Cain--in his agenda of death and destruction. Discipline is swift and brutal when she departs from the mission. Lilian also shares one of the Cain curses: returning after death to some reorganised portion of her body.

Paladin also completes The Throne Series (Book 4), re-telling in interleaved chapters the First Battle of Glenmorgan and the destruction of Manse Devereaux. Interregnum characters approach a new battle at Glenmorgan that will decide the outcome of Tara's civil war. Conflict and treachery at Tara threaten one Earth civilization with extinction. Pelik schemes for power over two other worlds...and springs a trap.

819 pages